Wound-induced plant regeneration

During the course of their lives, immobile organisms are bound to encounter situations that put their structural integrity to the test. Attacks by predators, herbivores or harsh weather conditions all pose significant threats to the structure of an organism. For plants in particular, tissue damage or even the loss of an entire organ are possible outcomes. It is perhaps for this reason that plants have evolved an extraordinary capacity for regeneration.

Two more VIB researchers receive an ERC Advanced Grant

ERC Advanced Grants are awarded to established researchers in all fields to pursue original, high-risk research projects. Each grant comes with considerable funding to support innovative research projects. After already three VIB researchers received a grant earlier this year, two more join them: Stein Aerts from the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research and Lieven De Veylder from the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology.